
ExtractionsThe team at Crosby Dentistry is committed to maintaining your healthy smile with your natural teeth. But even with the best dental care, teeth can become diseased or injured, requiring specialized treatment. In cases such as this, a tooth extraction is sometimes necessary to maintain the overall health and wellness in your mouth. Luckily, tooth extractions are straightforward thanks to modern medication and technology. Our dental team is pleased to offer professional care, creating a comfortable and safe environment during a tooth extraction.


Why Are Extractions Necessary?

A tooth can become decayed, infected, or damaged, compromising its overall integrity and structure. Some infections can be particularly aggressive, and if not treated thoroughly, can spread to healthy teeth. Completely removing a tooth might be necessary to preserve your healthy smile with as many of your natural teeth as possible.

Tooth extractions may be necessary for other dental complications, including:

  • Overcrowding: Removing a tooth may be a great way to solve overcrowding in the mouth. Teeth pushed too close together can cause undue stress on your teeth and can lead to uneven wear.
  • To make room for a dental apparatus (like a bridge): Following a tooth extraction, Dr. Crosby will work with you to replace your extracted tooth with a bridge or implant to create a complete and beautiful smile.
  • Gum disease: Extraction is always a last resort, but it is sometimes necessary to help keep as many healthy teeth as possible.
  • Injury: Some tooth injuries are severe, and sometimes repairing a broken tooth isn’t possible. Completely removing an injured or cracked tooth is a safer option.


What Is the Extraction Procedure?

An extraction procedure involves entirely removing the tooth and its roots. This method is the best way to ensure a troublesome tooth will not impact otherwise healthy teeth. Our team will offer several medications to help numb the tooth and the surrounding gums during extraction, making the procedure as straightforward and painless as possible. The entire area surrounding the tooth will also be numbed with a local anesthetic that will allow you to remain awake during the procedure.


Are There Alternatives to an Extraction?

Our team will always look for options to preserve your natural teeth. After all, you have worked hard at maintaining your white and bright smile. Sometimes, depending on the tooth injury, infection, or decay, a root canal may suffice to eliminate the problem while keeping much of your tooth. During a root canal, the infected or damaged root is removed and the remaining tooth is capped with a crown. Dr. Crosby will discuss whether an alternative like this can save your natural tooth, or whether an extraction is best for your situation.


What Should I Do About My Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are located deep in the mouth, behind your molars. These teeth typically don’t come in until later in life, usually in young adults. While wisdom teeth are natural teeth, they have a reputation for being problematic and unnecessary for a healthy mouth because they are big, bulky, and can cause overcrowding. Plus, these teeth have a hard time breaking through the gums and can become impacted.

Removing wisdom teeth is a standard and routine procedure for many young adults. Working with Dr. Crosby, you will be able to monitor the growth of your wisdom teeth and determine if and when a tooth extraction is right for you. Removing wisdom teeth will result in an overall healthier smile. Usually, this procedure requires light sedation, but it can be performed as a simple outpatient surgery.

Crosby Dentistry wants our patients to feel comfortable and confident with their dental care options. Contact our office for a consultation to address your concerns and develop a treatment plan to restore and maintain your beautiful smile.